Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Islam Bandung
EKONOMI PRODUKSI DI BAWAH KENDALI HUKUM : Kasus Illegal Fishing di Indonesia
Yuhka Sundaya
Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Islam Bandung
Abstract. I present a conceptual model (framework) for analysis of production controlled by economic manner, with fisheries as a sample. Actually, economic activity has been working under law in every countries and every sectors, espescially in fisheries. Esentially, law is a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of institutions. In general, fisheries manager could introducing input and output controls to prevent illegal fishing, partially or simultaneousely. These need a conceptual model to explained it. Illegal fishing has been restraining the sustainable fisheries management goals. In attempt to create propositions, i have applied comparative static analysis to conceptual model. Its expressioning moderate fishermen respons to illegal fishing controls, especially the other exogeneous variabel. In recomendation parts, i have informed any alternative technique to measuring important variabel in attempt to facilitate an empirical research.
Key words : illegal fishing, analisa statika komparatif, budel input illegal, pasar ikan illegal
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